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Implementing Squid as a caching proxy (208.3)

Implementing Squid as a caching proxy (208.3)

Candidates should be able to install and configure a proxy server, including access policies, authentication and resource usage.

Key Knowledge Areas

  • Squid 3.x configuration files, terms and utilities

  • Access restriction methods

  • Client user authentication methods

  • Layout and content of ACL in the Squid configuration files

Terms and utilities:

  • squid.conf

  • acl

  • http_access


A web-cache, also known as an http proxy, is web-cache http proxy used to reduce bandwidth demands and often allows for finer-grained access control. Using a proxy, in the client software the hostname and port number of a proxy must be specified. When the browser tries to connect to a web server, the request will be sent to the specified proxy server but to the user it looks like the request has been sent to the requested web server directly. The proxy server now makes a connection to the specified web server, waits for the answer and sends this back to the client. The proxy works like an interpreter: the client talks and listens to the proxy and the proxy talks and listens to the web server the client wants to talk to. A proxy will also use locally cached versions of web-pages if they have not yet expired and will also validate client requests.

Additionally, there are transparent proxies. Usually this is the transparent proxy tandem of a regular proxy and a redirecting router. In these cases, a web request can be intercepted by the proxy, transparently. In this case there is no need to setup a proxy in the settings of the client software. As far as the client software knows, it is talking directly to the target server, whereas it is actually talking to the proxy.


squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients. squid squid supports more then just HTTP data objects: it supports FTP and gopher objects too. FTP gopher squid handles all requests in a single, non-blocking, I/O-driven process. squid keeps meta data and, especially, hot objects cached in RAM, it caches DNS lookups, supports non-blocking DNS lookups and implements negative caching of failed requests. squid also supports SSL, extensive access controls and full request squidSSL logging. By using the lightweight Internet Cache Protocol, squid caches can be arranged in a hierarchy or mesh for additional bandwidth savings.

squid can be used for a number of things, including bandwidth saving, handling traffic spikes and caching sites that are occasionally unavailable. squid can also be used for load balancing. Essentially, the first time squid receives a request from a browser, it acts as an intermediary and passes the request on to the server. squid then saves a copy of the object. If no other clients request the same object, no benefit will be gained. However, if multiple clients request the object before it expires from the cache, squid can speed up transactions and save bandwidth. If you've ever needed a document from a slow site, say one located in another country or hosted on a slow connection, or both, you will notice the benefit of having a document cached. The first request may be slower than molasses, but the next request for the same document will be much faster, and the originating server's load will be lightened.

squid consists of a main server program squid, a Domain Name System lookup program dnsserver, some optional programs for rewriting requests and performing authentication, and some management and client tools. When squid starts up, it spawns a configurable number of dnsserver processes, each of which can perform a single, blocking Domain Name System (DNS) lookup. This reduces the amount of time the cache waits for DNS lookups.

squid is normally obtained in source code format. On most systems a simple make install will suffice. After that, you will also have a set of configuration files. In most distributions all the squid configuration files are, by default, kept in the directory /usr/local/squid/etc. However, the location may vary, depending on the style and habits of your distribution. The Debian packages, for example, place the configuration files in /etc, which is the normal home directory for .conf files. Though there is more than one file in this directory, only one file is important to most administrators, namely the squid.conf file. There are just about 125 option tags in this file but only eight options are really needed to get squid up and running. The other options just give you additional flexibility.

squid assumes that you wish to use the default value if there is no occurrence of a tag in the squid.conf file. Theoretically, you could even run squid with a zero length configuration file. However, you will need to change at least one part of the configuration file, i.e. the default squid.conf denies access to all browsers. You will need to edit the Access Control Lists to allow your clients to use the squid proxy. The most basic way to perform access control is to use the http_access option (see below).


  • This option determines on which port(s) squid will listen squidhttp_port for requests. By default this is port 3128. Another commonly used port is port 8080.


  • Used to configure specific storage areas. If you use more than one disk squidcache_dir for cached data, you may need more than one mount point (e.g., /usr/local/squid/cache1 for the first disk, /usr/local/squid/cache2 for the second disk). squid allows you to have more than one cache_dir option in your config file. This option can have four parameters:

        cache_dir /usr/local/squid/cache/ 100 16 256

    The first option determines in which directory the cache should be maintained. The next option is a size value in Megabytes where the default is 100 Megabytes. squid will store up to that amount of data in the specified directory. The next two options will set the number of subdirectories (first and second tier) to create in this directory. squid creates a large number of directories and stores just a few files in each of them in an attempt to speed up disk access (finding the correct entry in a directory with one million files in it is not efficient: it's better to split the files up into lots of smaller sets of files).

http_access; acl

  • The basic syntax of the option is http_access allow|deny [!]aclname. squidhttp_access If you want to provide access to an internal network, and deny access to anyone else, your options might look like this:

        acl home src
        http_access allow home

    The first line sets up an Access Control List class called "home" of an internal network range of ip addresses. The second line allows access to that range of ip addresses. Assuming it's the final line in the access list, all other clients will be denied. See also the section on acl.

    ::: {.tip} Note that squid's default behavior is to do the opposite of your last access line if it can't find a matching entry. For example, if the last line is set to "allow" access for a certain set of network addresses, then squid will deny any client that doesn't match any of its rules. On the other hand, if the last line is set to "deny" access, then squid will allow access to any client that doesn't match its rules. :::


  • This option is used to specify which program to start up as an squidauth_param authenticator. You can specify the name of the program and any parameters needed.

redirect_program; redirect_children

  • The redirect_program is used to specify which program to start up squidredirect_program as a redirector. The option redirect_children is used to specify how many processes to start up to do redirection.

After you have made changes to your configuration, issue squid -k reconfigure so that squid will use squid-k reconfigure the changes.


squid can be configured to pass every incoming URL through a redirector process squidredirector that returns either a new URL or a blank line to indicate no change. A redirector is an external program, e.g. a script that you wrote yourself. Thus, a redirector program is NOT a standard part of the squid package. However, some examples are provided in the contrib/ directory of the source distribution. Since everyone has different needs, it is up to the individual administrators to write their own implementation.

A redirector allows the administrator to control the web sites his users can get access to. It can be used in conjunction with transparent proxies to deny the users of squiddeny access your network access to certain sites, e.g. porn-sites and the like.

The redirector program must read URLs (one per line) on standard input, and write rewritten URLs or blank lines on standard output. Also, squid writes additional information after the URL which a redirector can use to make a decision. The input line consists of four fields:

    URL ip-address/fqdn ident method
  • The URL originally requested.

  • The IP address and domain name (if already cached by squid) of the client making the request.

  • The results of any IDENT / AUTH lookup done for this client, if enabled.

  • The HTTP method used in the request, e.g. GET.

A parameter that is not known or specified is replaced by a dash.

A sample redirector input line:

1 - GET

A sample response:

1 - GET

It is possible to send an HTTP redirect to the new URL directly to the client, rather than have squid silently fetch the alternative URL. To do this, the redirector should begin its response with 301: or 302: depending on the type of redirect.

A simple very fast redirector called squirm is a good place to start, it uses the regex library to allow pattern matching.

The following Perl script may also be used as a template for writing your own redirector:

    $|=1;           # Unbuffer output
    while (<>) {

This Perl script replaces requests to "" with "".


squid can make use of authentication. Authentication squidauthentication can be done on various levels, e.g. network or user.

Browsers are capable to send the user's authentication credentials using a special "authorization request header". This works as follows. If squid gets a request, given there was an http_access rule list that points to a proxy_auth ACL, squid looks for an authorization header. If the header is present, squid decodes it and extracts a username and password. If the header is missing, squid returns an HTTP reply with status 407 (Proxy Authentication Required). The user agent (browser) receives the 407 reply and then prompts the user to enter a name and password. The name and password are encoded, and sent in the authorization header for subsequent requests to the proxy.

Authentication is actually performed outside of the main squid process. When squid starts, it spawns a number of authentication subprocesses. These processes read usernames and passwords on stdin and reply with OK or ERR on stdout. This technique allows you to use a number of different authentication schemes. The current supported schemes are: basic, digest, ntlm and negotiate.

Squid has some basic authentication backends. These include:

  • LDAP: Uses the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

  • NCSA: Uses a NCSA-style username and password file

  • MSNT: Uses a Windows NT authentication domain

  • PAM: Uses the Unix Pluggable Authentication Modules scheme

  • SMB: Uses a SMB server like Windows NT or Samba

  • getpwam: Uses the old-fashioned Unix password file

  • SASL: Uses SASL libraries (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)

  • mswin_sspi: Windows native authenticator

  • YP: Uses the NIS database

The ntlm, negotiate and digest authentication schemes provide more secure authentication methods because passwords are not exchanged over the wire or air in plain text.

Configuration of each scheme is done via the auth_param director in the config file. Each scheme has some global and scheme-specific configuration options. The order in which authentication schemes are presented to the client is dependent on the order the scheme first appears in the config file.

Example configuration file with multiple directors:

    #Recommended minimum configuration per scheme:
    #auth_param negotiate program  < uncomment and complete this line to activate>
    #auth_param negotiate children 20 startup=0 idle=1
    #auth_param negotiate keep_alive on
    #auth_param ntlm program < uncomment and complete this line to activate>
    #auth_param ntlm children 20 startup=0 idle=1
    #auth_param ntlm keep_alive on
    #auth_param digest program < uncomment and complete this line>
    #auth_param digest children 20 startup=0 idle=1
    #auth_param digest realm Squid proxy-caching web server
    #auth_param digest nonce_garbage_interval 5 minutes
    #auth_param digest nonce_max_duration 30 minutes
    #auth_param digest nonce_max_count 50
    #auth_param basic program < uncomment and complete this line>
    #auth_param basic children 5 startup=5 idle=1
    #auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server
    #auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours

Access policies

Many squid.conf options require the use of Access Control Lists squidsquid.conf (ACLs). Each ACL consists of a name, type and value (a string or filename). ACLs are often regarded as being the most difficult part of the squid cache configuration, i.e. the layout and concept is not immediately obvious to most people. Additionally, the use of external authenticators and the default ACL augment to the confusion. squidACL

ACLs can be seen as definitions of resources that may or may not gain access to certain functions in the web-cache. Allowing the use of the proxy server is one of these functions.

To regulate access to certain functions, you will have to define an ACL first, and then add a line to deny or allow access to a function of the cache, thereby using that ACL as a reference. In most cases the feature to allow or deny will be http_access, which allows or denies a web browsers access to the web-cache. The same principles apply to the other options, such as icp_access (Internet Cache Protocol).

To determine whether a resource (e.g. a user) has access to the web-cache, squid works its way through the http_access list from top to bottom. It will squidhttp_access allow squidhttp_access deny match the rules, until one is found that matches the user and either denies or allows access. Thus, if you want to allow access to the proxy only to those users whose machines fall within a certain IP range you would use the following:

    acl ourallowedhosts src
    acl all src

    http_access allow ourallowedhosts
    http_access deny all

If a user from connects using TCP and requests an URL, squid will work it's way through the list of http_access lines. It works through this list from top to bottom, stopping after the first match to decide which one they are in. In this case, squid will match on the first http_access line. Since the policy that matched is allow, squid would proceed to allow the request.

The src option on the first line is one of the options you can use to decide which domain the requesting user is in. You can regulate access based on the source or destination IP address, domain or domain regular expression, hours, days, URL, port, protocol, method, username or type of browser. ACLs may also require user authentication, specify an SNMP read community string, or set a TCP connection limit.

For example, these lines would keep all internal IP addresses off the Web except during lunchtime:

    acl allowed_hosts src
    acl lunchtime MTWHF 12:00-13:00
    http_access allow allowed_hosts lunchtime

The MTWHF string denotes the proper days of the week, where M specifies Monday, T specifies Tuesday and so on. WHFAS means Wednesday until Sunday. For more options have a look at the default configuration file squid installs on your system.

Another example is the blocking of certain sites, based on their domain names:

    acl adults dstdomain
    acl ourallowedhosts src
    acl all src

    http_access deny adults
    http_access allow ourallowedhosts
    http_access deny all

These lines prevent access to the web-cache (http_access) to users who request sites listed in the adults ACL. If another site is requested, the next line allows access if the user is in the range as specified by the ACL ourallowedhosts. If the user is not in that range, the third line will deny access to the web-cache.

To use an authenticator, you have to tell squid which program it should use to authenticate a user (using the authenticate_program option in the squid.conf file). Next you need to set up an ACL of type proxy_auth and add a line to regulate the access to the web-cache using that ACL. Here's an example:

    authenticate_program /sbin/my_auth -f /etc/my_auth.db
    acl name proxy_auth REQUIRED
    http_access allow name

The ACL points to the external authenticator /sbin/my_auth. If a user wants access to the webcache (the http_access function), you would expect that (as usual) the request is granted if the ACL name is matched. HOWEVER, this is not the case!

Authenticator Behaviour

Authenticator allow rules act as deny rules!

If the external authenticator allowed access, the allow rule actually acts as if it were a deny rule! Any following rules are consequently checked too until another matching ACL is found. In other words: the rule "http_access allow name" should be read as "http_access deny !name". The exclamation mark signifies a negation, thus the rule "http_access deny !name" means: "deny access to users not matching the 'name' rule".

squid always adds a default ACL!

squid automatically adds a final rule to the ACL section that reverses the preceding (last) rule: if the last rule was an "allow" rule, a "deny all" rule would be added, and vice versa: if the last rule was a "deny" rule, an "allow all" rule would be added automatically.

Both warnings imply that if the example above is implemented as it stands, the final line "http_access allow name" implicitly adds a final rule "http_access deny all". If the external authenticator grants access, the access is not granted, but the next rule is checked - and that next rule is the default deny rule if you do not specify one yourself! This means that properly authorized people would be denied access. This exceptional behavior of squid is often misunderstood and puzzles many novice squid administrators. A common solution is to add an extra line, like this:

    http_access allow name 
    http_access allow all

Utilizing memory usage

squid uses lots of memory. For performance reasons this makes sense since it takes much, much longer to read something from disk compared to reading directly from memory. A small amount of metadata for each cached object is kept in memory, the so-called StoreEntry. For squid version 2 this is 56-bytes on "small" pointer architectures (Intel, Sparc, MIPS, etc) and 88-bytes on "large" pointer architectures (Alpha). In addition, there is a 16-byte cache key (MD5 checksum) associated with each StoreEntry. This means squidStoreEntry there are 72 or 104 bytes of metadata in memory for every object in your cache. A cache with 1,000,000 objects therefore requires 72 MB of memory for metadata only.

In practice, squid requires much more than that. Other uses of memory by squid include:

  • Disk buffers for reading and writing

  • Network I/O buffers

  • IP Cache contents

  • FQDN Cache contents

  • Netdb ICMP measurement database

  • Per-request state information, including full request and reply headers

  • Miscellaneous statistics collection

  • Hot objects which are kept entirely in memory

You can use a number of parameters in squid.conf to determine squid's memory utilization:

  • The cache_mem parameter specifies how much memory to use for caching squidcache_mem hot (very popular) requests. squid's actual memory usage depends strongly on your disk space (cache space) and your incoming request load. Reducing cache_mem will usually also reduce squid's process size, but not necessarily.

  • The maximum_object_size option in squid.conf squidmaximum_object_size specifies the maximum file size that will be cached. Objects larger than this size will NOT be saved on disk. The value is specified in kilobytes and the default is 4MB. If speed is more important than saving bandwidth, you should leave this low.

  • The minimum_object_size option specifies that objects smaller than this size will squidminimum_object_size NOT be saved on disk. The value is specified in kilobytes, and the default is 0 KB, which means there is no minimum (and everything will be saved to disk).

  • The cache_swap option tells squid how much squidcache_swap disk space it may use. If you have a large disk cache, you may find that you do not have enough memory to run squid effectively. If it performs badly, consider increasing the amount of RAM or reducing the cache_swap.