Notifying users on system-related issues (206.3)
Notifying users on system-related issues (206.3)¶
Candidates should be able to notify the users about current issues related to the system.
Key Knowledge Areas¶
Automate communication with users through logon messages
Inform active users of system maintenance
Terms and Utilities¶
The /etc/issue
, /etc/
, and /etc/motd
The /etc/issue
, /etc/
and /etc/motd
files are used to
send simple messages to users that log in to the system. The /etc/motd
is used to display a message after the user has authenticated
successfully. The /etc/issue
on the other hand is used to send a
message to the user before they login. This message is only displayed to
users that log in using the console and will often contain some
information about the system like kernel version and architecture. The
file has the same purpose as the /etc/issue
file but
is used for insecure logins using telnet
. It is possible to use the
file for ssh
as well. For this to work you need to
add or modify the following line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
1 |
When using /etc/
with ssh you should note that the special
sequences may not work.
The wall
wall wall
is used to broadcast a message of at most 22 lines to all
interactive terminals. By default the command can be used by any user,
but often is reconfigured so only root can use it. A user not wishing to
receive broadcast messages may use the mesg
to write disable their
terminals. The broadcaster may use the finger
command to see which
terminals are write disabled.
You can specify two options with the wall
command: the -n
which only works for the root user and the message itself. The -n
suppresses the standard broadcast banner and replaces it with a remote
broadcast banner. This option has meaning only when wall
is used over
the rpc.walld
daemon. The second argument, the message itself can also
be typed on stdin
, in which case it must be terminated with an EOF
(end of file, in most cases [Ctrl+D]{.keycombo}).
The shutdown
command communication.¶
shutdown As its name suggests, the shutdown
command is used to
shutdown a server gracefully, stepping down through the run level kill
scripts, and optionally halting, or rebooting the server. The shutdown
command itself is not discussed here, and this small section explains
only the communicative steps that shutdown
takes before, and during
the system shutdown.
The last argument to the shutdown
may optionally be used to broadcast
some custom message explaining the purpose of the shutdown, and when it
is expected to be returned to production. For example:
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Shutdown can be used with the -k
. This makes shutdown
do a
'dry-run': it emulates the shutdown, but does NOT shut down the
When you use the -k
options you can append broadcast messages as part
of the command line too, like in a "real" shutdown
Please note that shutdown
will still temporarily disallow user
logins as it will create the /etc/nologin
file. It will be removed
after the 'dry run' but your users will not be able to log in into the
system as long as it is there.
In the event that a running shutdown
needs to be cancelled, the
may be called with the -c
option, and again a broadcast
message added to the command line to inform the users of the U-turn. As
with all forms of message broadcasts, the receiving terminals must be
write enabled.
The systemctl
command communication,¶
systemctl The systemctl
the central management tool for the systemd
init system. systemctl
can be used to manage services, system states
(runlevels) and config files.
Managing services¶
Starting and stopping services¶
Where you used the service
command in sysVinit you will now use the
systemctl command to manage services. If you are using a non-root user
to run the command you will have to use sudo. The following example
shows starting a service using the start
1 |
Because systemd knows you are running the system management commands on services you can also leave the .service suffix. For clarity we will keep using the suffix in the commands.
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For some programs it is possible to start the application multiple times with different configuration files. In this case you can pass the name of the config file to the command using the @-sign. For example, to start the openvpn service twice with different configuration files you can use the following commands:
1 2 |
Because they changed the order of the parameters for the systemctl
command you can also start and stop multiple services at once: The
following example show stopping multiple services using the stop
1 |
Restarting and reloading services¶
For restarting a service you can use the restart
1 |
If an application is able to reload it's configuration you can also use
the reload
1 |
If you not sure if a service can reload it's configuration you can also
use the reload-or-restart
command. This will reload is configuration
if it is available, else it will restart the application:
1 |
Enabling and disabling service¶
The previous commands are useful for starting and stopping services in
the current session. If you want a service to start at boot, for which
sysVinit use the chkconfig
command, you have to enable them using
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This enable
command will create a symbolic link from this systems copy
of the service file (which is usually found in /lib/systemd/system or
/etc/systemd/system) to the directory where systemd looks for autostart
files (usually /etc/systemd/system/ To
disable a service from start at boot you use the disable
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This will remove the symbolic link that indicate that the service should start at boot.
Note Remember that enabling a service will not start it in the current session. To start and enable a service you will need to issue both the start and enable command
Checking the status of services¶
To check the current status of a service you can use the status
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This command will give you the current state of the service, the cgroup hierarchy, and the first few log lines. It gives you a nice overview of the current status, and notifying you of any problems. For example the following output for the sshd service:
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There are also commands available for checking specific states which can
be particularly useful for using them in scripts. For example to check
if as service is currently active you can use the is-active
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This command will show if the application is active or inactive. If the
application is active it will return an exit code of "0". To see if an
application is enabled you can use the is-enabled
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This command will return wheter the application is enbled or disable and
will return an exit code of "0" if the application is enabled. To check
if an application has failed you can use the is-failed
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This command wil return active if the application is running, failed if an error has occured, and inactive or unknown the the service was intentionally stopped. It will return an exit code of "0" if the service has failed.
System state overview¶
The commands so far have been useful for managing single services. For exploring the the current state of the system there ar a number of systemctl commands that provide more information.
Listing current units¶
To get a list of all the active units that systemd knows about you can
use the list-units
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This command only shows a list of the currently active units. Then output has the following columns:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
Because the list-units
command only shows the active units by default,
all of the entries above will show "loaded" in the LOAD colymn and
"active" in the ACTIVE column. This is also the default behaviour of
systemctl when called without additional commands, so you will see the
same output if you call systemctl without arguments.
1 |
You can also tell systemctl to output different information by adding
additional flags. For instance, to show all units that systemd has
loaded, whether they are active or not, you can use the --all
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This will show all units that systemd loaded or attempted to load,
regardless of it's current state on the system. It is also possible to
filter units by the current state, for this you can use the --state=
flag. You will have to keep the --all
flag so that systemctl allows
non-active units to be disaplayed. For example, if you wish to see all
inactive units you can issue the following command:
1 |
Another filter you can use is the --type=
flag. You can tell systemctl
to only show the unit types you are interested in. For example, to only
show active service units you can use the following command:
1 |
Listing unit files¶
The list-units
command we just used only shows units that systemd has
attempted to load into memory. Systemd will only read units that it
thinks it need so this will not necessarily include all availble units
on the system. To see every unit file that is available in the systemd
paths you can use the list-unit-files
command instead:
1 |
Units are representations of resources that systemd knows about. Because systemd has not necessarily read all of the unit definitions in this view it only presents information about hte files themselves. The output of this command shows two columns, the UNIT FILE and the STATE. The STATE column will usually be "enabled","disabled","static" or "masked". For this command static means that the unit file doesn't contain an "install" section which is necessary to enable a service. A unit that has a state of static can't be enable will run a one-off action or is only used as a dependency of another unit. We will cover what "masked" means later.
Unit management¶
So far we have been working with services an displaying information about the unit files that systemd knows about. With some additional commands we can get more specific information about units.
Displaying a unit file¶
To display the unit file that systemd has loaded into it's memory you
can use the cat
command (which was added in systemd version 209). To
see the unit file of the atd scheduling daemon you can use to following
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
The output of this command is the unit file as it's known by the current systemd process. This is important to know if you've recently modified the unit files or if you're overriding certain options.
Displaying dependencies¶
If we want to see the dependency tree of a service we can use the
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This command wil show a hierarchical view of the dependencies that must be dealt with in order to start the unit. Dependencies, in this context, are the units that are required or wanted by the units above it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
Recursive dependencies are only displayed for target units which
indicate system states. To list all dependencies you can include the
To get the reverse dependencies you can add the --reverse
flag to the
command. Other useful flags are the --before
and --after
flags which
can be used to show units to depend on the specified unit to start
before or after them respectivly.
Checking unit properties¶
To get the low-level properties of a unit you can use the show
. This
will display a list of properties in a key=value format:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
To get a single property you can pass the -p
flag with the property
name. For example, to see the conflicts that the sshd.service unit has
you can use the following command:
1 2 3 |
Masking and unmasking units¶
In the service management section we showed how to stop or disable a
service, but systemd also has the ability to mark a unit as completely
unstartable. To do this it creates a symbolic link to /dev/null
is called masking a unit. To do this you can use the mask
1 |
This wil prevent the Nginx service from being start manually or
automatically for as long as it's masked. If you check with the
command you will see that the service is now listed as
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
If you try to start the service you will see a message like this:
1 2 3 |
To unmask a service you can use the unmask
1 |
This will return the unit to it's previous start allowing the service to be started or enabled.
Editing unit files¶
The systemctl command also has the possibility to edit unit files if you need to make adjustments. This functionality was added in systemd version 218.
The edit
will open a unit file snipper by default:
1 |
This will be a blank file that can be used to override or add properties
to the unit definition. A directory will be created within the
directory which will have the name of the unit
with .d appended. For example, for the nginx.service, a directory
callend nginx.service.d will be created.
If you want to edit the full unit file, instead of adding a snippet, you
can pass the --full
1 |
This will load the current unit file into the editor where you can
modify it. When the editor exits the changes will be written to
. This new file will take precedence over the
system unit definition (usually found somewhere in
To remove any additions you have meid you can either remove the units .d
configuration directory or the modiefied service file from
. For instance, to remove a snipper, you can type:
1 |
To remove a full modified unit file you can type:
1 |
After remove thile file or directory you should reload the systemd
process so that it no longer attempts to reference the file and reverts
back to using the system copies. You can do this by using the
1 |
Adjusting the system start (runlevel) with targets¶
Targets are special unit files that describe a system state. Like other
units the files that define targets can be identified by their suffix
which in this case is .target
. Targets don't do much themselves but
ar used to group other units together.
These targets can be used to bring the system to a certain state, much like other init systems use runlevels. They are used as a reference for when certain functions are available allowing you to specify the desired state instead of the individual units needed to produce the same state.
For instance, there is a
which is used to indicate that
swap is ready for use. Units that are part of this process can sync with
this target by indicating in their configuration files that they are
wanted by or required by the
. Unit that require swap to be
available can specify this condition by using the wants, requires, and
after properties to indicate the natur of their relationship.
Getting and setting the default target¶
Systemd has a default target that is used when booting the system.
Satisfying the cascade of dependencies from that target will bring the
system into the desired state. To get the default target of your system
you can use the get-default
1 2 3 |
If you want to set another target as the default you can use the
command. For example, if you want to use the graphical
desktop as default you can change this with the following command:
1 |
Listing available targets¶
You can get a list of the available targets using the list-unit-files
command in combination with the --type=target
1 |
Unlike with runlevels it's possible to have multiple targets active at the same time. An active target indicates that systemd has attempted to start all of the units tied to the target and has not tried to tear them down again. To see all active targets use the following command:
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Isolating targets¶
It's possible to start all the units that are associated with a target
and to stop all units that are not part of the dependency tree. The
command we can use for this is the isolate
command. This is similar to
changing the runlevel in other init systems.
For example, if you are working in a graphical environment with active, you can shutdown the graphical system by isolating the Since is a dependency of and not the other way around, the isolate command will stop all the graphical units.
You may wish to take a look at the dependencies of the target you're isolating to make sure you don't stop any services that are vital to you:
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When you're satisfied with the units that will be kept alive you can isolate the target:
1 |
Using shortcuts for important events¶
Some targets are defined for important events like powering off or
rebooting. However systemctl
also has some shortcuts that add a bit of
additional functionality.
For instance, to put the system into rescue (single-user in System V
init terms) mode you can just use the rescue
instead of
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This command will also provide the additional functionallity of alerting
all logged in users about the event in comparison with the isolate
command. To halt the system you can use the halt
1 |
To initiate a full shutdown you can use the poweroff
1 |
To reboot the system you can use the reboot
1 |
Not that most systems will link the shorter, more conventional, commands for these operations so they will work properly with systemd. For example, to reboot a system you can usually type:
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