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Apache configuration for HTTPS (208.2)

Apache configuration for HTTPS (208.2)

Candidates should be able to configure a web server to provide HTTPS.

Key Knowledge Areas

  • SSL configuration files, tools and utilities

  • Ability to generate a server private key and CSR for a commercial CA

  • Ability to generate a self-signed Certificate from private CA

  • Ability to install the key and Certificate

  • Awareness of the issues with Virtual Hosting and use of SSL

  • Security issues in SSL use

  • Virtual Hosting and use of SSL through Server Name Indicator (SNI)

  • Disabling insecure protocols and ciphers

Terms and Utilities:

  • Apache2 configuration files

  • /etc/ssl/, /etc/pki/

  • openssl,

  • SSLEngine, SSLCertificateKeyFile, SSLCertificateFile

  • SSLCACertificateFile, SSLCACertificatePath

  • SSLProtocol, SSLCipherSuite, ServerTokens, ServerSignature, TraceEnable

Apache2 configuration files

Depending on the Linux distribution in use, the following files and directories may be used for configuration of Apache 2.x when Apache is installed from packages: httpd.conf, apache.conf, apache2.conf, /etc/httpd/, /etc/httpd/conf, /etc/httpd/conf.d, /etc/apache2/

Configuration files are expected to contain predefined directives. If a directive is not explicitly defined, Apache will use a default setting. This default may vary per Linux distribution, so consult your distribution's Apache documentation. /usr/share/doc is a good place to start. Configuration files can be checked for syntax errors using either of the following commands:

    $ sudo apachectl configtest
    $ sudo service httpd configtest

Because Apache usually serves a daemon that listens to ports below 1024, sudo or a root shell should be used to invoke all Apache related commands. Refer to your system documentation to check for the availability of the apachectl or apache2ctl command. If both exist, they might be symlinked. The naming difference for this command has a historical reason. apachectl was used for Apache 1.x and when Apache2 was released the command was hence renamed match the new name. Now that Apache2.x has become the standard, either apache2ctl has been renamed to apachectl or both commands are available for compatibility reasons. When available, the service facility may point to httpd on Red Hat based systems, or to apache2 on Debian-based systems: The apachectl command has many useful options. It is in fact a shell script that functions as a wrapper for the httpd binary. Consult the man page for all available arguments and options. Just two more examples to get you started: To show all configured virtual hosts, use:

    $ sudo apachectl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS

To show all currently running websites, use:

    $ sudo apachectl -S

Be careful interpreting the output from the command above. That output shows the configuration of the currently running websites. There is no guarantee that the website configuration on disk has changed since these websites were brought online. In other words: The output from the running processes does not necessarily have to match the contents of the configuration files (anymore).

In regards to the Apache configuration files, it is important to know about the different ways Apache may be installed and configured. Depending on the Linux distribution and Apache2.x version in use, configuration files may be located and even named differently across otherwise similar systems. As we will see further down this chapter, Apache often uses one main configuration file. Within this file, other configuration files may be included using the INCLUDE /path/to/other/config directive. The configuration file syntax may be checked for errors by invoking the apachectl script as shown previously. Each configuration file that is included from the main configuration file in use will be checked for consistency and syntax. Consistency here means that if a dependant configuration file, certificate file or key file can not be accessed properly by the user the httpd binary runs as, a warning will be shown. If apachectl does not appear in your $PATH, use the sudo find command with apachectl or apache2ctl as an argument. Depending on the size of your storage volumes, it may be wiser to narrow this search down to specific directories. You have been warned. If the service command is not available on your system, the Apache daemon may be started, checked and stopped by a SysV script instead. Look within the /etc/init.d/ directory for a script called httpd, apache2 or equivalent. This script may be then called upon as follows, to reveal the available arguments:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2

Encrypted webservers: SSL

Apache can support SSL/TLS for (reasonably) secure SSL/TLS online communication. While TLS in version 1.2 is actually the currently favourable option, TLS encrypted HTTPS sessions are still referred to as 'SSL' encrypted sessions. TLS could in fact be seen as the successor to SSL (v3.0). So, just as with Apache versus Apache2, whenever Apache/SSL is mentioned in this chapter, TLS is implied as well. Unless otherwise specified. We will cover the strengths and weaknesses of both protocols further down this chapter.

The Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) is a protocol which may be placed between a reliable connection-oriented network layer protocol (e.g., TCP/IP) and the application layer protocol (e.g., HTTP). SSL provides secure communication between client and server by allowing mutual authentication and the use of digital signatures for integrity and encryption for privacy. Currently there are two versions of SSL still in use: version 2 and version 3. Additionally, the successor to SSL, TLS (version 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2, which are based on SSL), TLS were designed by the IETF organisation.

Public key cryptography

SSL/TLS uses Public Key Cryptography (PKC), also known as asymmetric PKC CryptographyPublic Key cryptography. Public key cryptography is used in situations where the sender and receiver do not share a common secret, e.g., between browsers and web servers, but wish to establish a trusted channel for their communication.

PKC defines an algorithm which uses two keys, each of which may be used to encrypt a message. If one key is used to encrypt a message, then the other must be used to decrypt it. This makes it possible to receive secure messages by simply publishing one key (the public key) and keeping the other key secret (the private key). Anyone may encrypt a message using the public key, but only the owner of the private key will be able to read it. For example, Alice may send private messages to the owner of a key-pair (e.g., your web server), by encrypting the messages using the public key your server publishes. Only the server will be able to decrypt it using the corresponding private key.

A secure web server (e.g., Apache/SSL) uses HTTP over SSL/TLS, https Apache443 using port 443 by default. The SSL/TLS port can be configured by defining the Listen directive inside the main configuration file. There should already be a listener configured for port 80 (HTTP). On Debian-based systems, there is a dedicated file for defining the active listeners. This file is called ports.conf and is included from the main configuration file. Apart from this file, individual websites should specify the listening host at the end of the ServerName or NameVirtualHost declaration. Starting from Apache v2.4, NameVirtualHost has been deprecated in favour of VirtualHost. A declaration like that could look as follows: <VirtualHost *:443>. Within the browser, the use of HTTPS is signified by the use of the https:// scheme in the URL. The public key is exchanged during the set-up of the communication between server and client (browser). That public key should be signed (it contains a digital signature e.g., a message digest) by a so-called valid CA (Certificate Authority). Each browser contains a number of so-called Certificate Authority root-certificates: these can be used to determine the validity of the CA's that signed the key. Not every certificate out there is signed by one of these valid CA's. Especially for testing purposes, it is common to sign certificates without the intervention of a valid CA. This is done in order to save both (validation) time and (registration fee) money. As of 2015, it has become easier to maintain valid CA signed certificate. An organisation called Let's Encrypt is willing to sign certificates for free, as long as you play by the rules. Use your favourite web search engine to find out more about Let's Encrypt, after reading this chapter.

Apache with mod_ssl

The Apache Software Foundation provides excellent documentation regarding the use of mod_ssl,. We urge you to take the time to read through the resources collected at the following URL:

The subject of encryption is so vast and complicated that entire books have been written around about it. The added confidentiality and integrity only provide their value when encryption is implemented correctly. So called 'best practices' in regards to encryption may change overnight. In addition to the collection of resources listed at the URL above, we want to add the following URL:

As you can see, this URL does not point to the current version of the documentation. Instead, it points to the trunk version. At the time of this writing, this corresponds to the Apache 2.5 documentation. The trunk documentation will always point towards the most recent Apache version in development. And while the trunk Apache code may not be recommended to use, the documentation may be more recently updated than elsewhere. In regards to the subject of SSL/TLS, this results in more up-to-date best practices than the 2.4 documentation provides.

The documentation provided by The Apache Software Foundation is vendor-neutral. So when the Apache documentation states that the following directives should be present in the Apache main configuration file:

    LoadModule mod_ssl modules/
    Listen 443

It can very well be that these directives are configured amongst several configuration files. This depends on your Linux distribution. In addition to the documentation provided by The Apache Software Foundation, we will try to point out the configuration differences between Red Hat and Debian based distributions.

To use mod_ssl you will need to install the Apache and mod_ssl package. Apachemod_ssl On Red Hat based systems, this is done using the following command:

    $ sudo yum install httpd mod_ssl

On Debian-based systems, this is done using the following command:

    $ sudo apt-get install apache2 openssl

After installation, make sure the OpenSSL module is enabled within Apache. The module should be available to the Apache daemon, and included to be loaded during daemon start-up. Again, there are several ways this can be achieved. A common way is similar to the websites-available and websites-enabled strategy. However, now we are dealing with modules-available and modules- enabled directories instead. As a plus, Debian-based systems come with a utility called a2enmod. By invoking this command as follows:

    $ sudo a2enmod enable ssl

a2enmod will create symlinks within the mods-enabled directory, pointing to respectively mods-available/ssl.conf and mods-available/ssl.load. When Apache is reloaded, these symlinks will ensure the SSL module will be loaded as well.

Red Hat based systems use the LoadModule directive instead. This directive should be declared so it will be read during the start of the Apache daemon. On a Red Hat based system, this could be achieved by a /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf that holds the following INCLUDE directive:

    Include conf.d/*conf

The default file /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf could then contain the following LoadModule and Listen statements:

    LoadModule ssl_module modules/
    Listen 443

After reloading Apache, the SSL module should be loaded together with the Apache daemon. It is always a good practice to check for configuration errors before restarting the Apache daemon. This can be done using the apachectl configtest command and has been covered earlier. The output should be clear to interpret whether Apache will encounter errors or not, and why (it will).

Then, generate a key and Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Either sign the csr file yourself, thus creating a 'self-signed' certificate, or have it signed by a valid Certificate Authority (CA). Depending on who you are, a self-signed certificate might cause browser-warnings when presented via HTTPS. Having the csr signed by a valid CA might prevent this from happening.

Some additional directives should be used to configure the secure server - for example the location of the key-files. It's beyond the scope of this book to document all of these directives. However, you should be familiar with most of the mod_ssl directives. You can find best practices by searching the web and should also refer to your distribution's specific mod_ssl documentation. The generic mod_ssl documentation can be found on the mod_ssl mod_ssl web-site.

mod_ssl can also be used to authenticate clients using client certificates. These client certificates can be signed by your own CA and mod_ssl will validate the certificates against this CA. To enable this functionality set the SSLVerifyClient to require. Use the value none to turn it off.

Certificates that are installed as part of your Linux distribution are usually installed in /etc/ssl/certs on Debian-based systems, and in /etc/pki/tls/certs on Red Hat based systems. The Red Hat based systems may have a symlink in place that points /etc/ssl/certs to /etc/pki/tls/certs for convenience and compatibility.

Keys or key-files that are installed as part of your Linux distribution are in turn usually installed in /etc/ssl/private on Debian-based systems and in /etc/pki/tls/private on Red Hat based systems. Other directories within /etc/ssl and /etc/pki may also contain specific key files.

It is often considered a best practice to create subdirectories when working with specific keys and/or certificates. Especially because specific cryptographic keys and certificates belong to each other. By devoting a dedicated subdirectory to each keypair, structure will be maintained within both the filesystem and configuration files pointing to these files. These subdirecties may be created as part of the /etc/ssl or /etc/pki hierarchy. But creating subdirectories below /etc/apache2 or /etc/httpd can be done as well.

Directory /etc/ssl/ {#apachessl}

                /etc/ssl$ ls -l
                total 32
                drwxr-xr-x 3 root root     16384 2011-03-06 15:31 certs
                -rw-r--r-- 1 root root      9374 2010-09-24 22:05 openssl.cnf
                drwx--x--- 2 root ssl-cert  4096 2011-03-06 13:19 private

openssl The openssl program is a command line interface to the OpenSSL crypto library. You can use it to generate certificates, encrypt and decrypt files, create hashes and much more. It is generally seen as "the Swiss Army knife" of cryptography. One of the more common usages is to generate (self-signed) certificates for use on a secured webserver (to support the https protocol). /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf is the standard location for its configuration file, where you can set defaults for the name of your organization, the address etc.

Note If you generate a certificate for a webserver you start by creating a Certificate Signing Request (.csr). The openssl tool will prompt you for information it needs to create the request, using defaults it fetches from the configuration file. When you generate such a signing request, make sure you enter the FQDN (\"Fully Qualified Domain Name\") of the server when openssl Fully Qualified Domain Name prompts you for the "Common Name" or CN (which is part of the "Distinguished Name"). For example when you generate a CSR for the web-site Common Name, enter as the CN. Be aware that a certificate providing foo.example would not be valid for the website accessed via Neither would this certificate be valid for the website behind the URL Seperate certificates for each domain should be put in place. To combat this necessity, many organizations choose to use wilcard- certificates. Especially for internal hosted websites. When issuing a CSR for a certificate that could be used to serve any of the .foo.example websites, the request should be done for the CN value *.foo.example. Browsers will understand this wildcard certificate when presented, and decide accordingly. and could be configured to use this certificate. https://foo.example on the other hand, would issue a browser warning with this certificate.

How to create a SSL server Certificate {#apachesslcert}

While installing OpenSSL, the program openssl is installed CreatingSSL Server Certificate on your system. This command can be used to create the necessary files that implement a (self-signed) server certificate.

More specifically:

  • RSA You start by generating the RSA key file. It contains a pair of related keys, used to encrypt and decrypt messages to and from you. One half of the keypair will be used to encrypt messages that will be sent to you using the public key. The other half is used to decrypt these received messages using the private key. The public key will be made part of your digital certificate. This allows client systems to sent encrypted messages to your webserver that only this webserver can decrypt, as it holds the related private key;

  • Next you will create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Certificate Signing Request This is a file which contains the public key and identifying information like the name of your company, location etc;

  • The CSR is sent to a Certificate Authority (CA) which should verify the correctness of the information you provided and generate the certificate. This certificate contains a digital signature that allows verification that the CA has approved of the contents of the certificate. The certificate will contain the data you provided (including your public key) and it is signed by the CA using its private key. A certificate contains your RSA public key, your name, the name of the CA and is digitally signed by your CA. Browsers that know the CA can verify the Certificate Authority signature on that certificate, thereby obtaining your RSA public key. That enables them to send messages which only you can decrypt.

Note You can create a signing request and then sign it yourself. In fact, that is what Certificate Authorities do when they create their root certificate. A root certificate is simply a certificate that says that they say they are whom they say they are. So, anybody can create a root certificate and put any credentials on it just as they please. The root certificate itself is no proof of anything. You will need to ensure that it really was issued by a party you trust yourself. Either you visit them and get a copy directly from them, or fetch it using another method you trust or you rely on others you trust to have done this for you. One of the ways you implicitly "trust" a large number of CAs is by relying on their root certificates that are made part of your browser.

Triple-DES PEM As an example: to create an RSA private key that has a keysize of 2048 bits, and which will be triple-des (3DES) encrypted, stored in a file named server.key in the default format (which is known as PEM), type:

    $ openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048

RSA keysizes below 1024 bits are considered out-of-date. 1024 bits seems to be a best practice today, with 2048, 3072, 4096 and onwards being valid options if all involved components are able to handle these keysizes without overexceeding thresholds.

openssl openssl will ask for a pass-phrase, which will be used as the key to encrypt the private key. Please store this file in a secure backup location and remember the pass-phrase. If you loose the pass-phrase you will not be able to recover the key.

For testing purposes, it might be preferable to strip the password from the key file. This can accomplished by reading the key and exporting it as follows:

    $ openssl rsa -in server.key -out stripped.key

The server.key file still holds the encrypted private key information in ciphertext. The stripped.key file is a plain text file with the unencrypted private key information as its contents. Handle with care.

To create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) with the server RSA private key (output will be PEM formatted), execute the following:

    $ openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr

The signing request can now either be sent to a real CA, which will sign the request and create a digital certificate, or you can create your own CA and do it yourself. Note that if you do it yourself, you will also need to install the root certificate of your CA into your clients (e.g. browser) to signal them that a certificate signed by your own CA can be trusted. If you omit this step, you will be getting a lot of disturbing warnings about missing trust and insecurity. You can provide the openssl parameters yourself, but that can be a daunting task for less experienced users. Hence, for conveniences sake the OpenSSL software suite provides a perl script ( to handle most CA related tasks a lot easier. It has a simplified syntax and supplies the more complex command line arguments to the underlying openssl command. will default use values it reads from the standard OpenSSL configuration file /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf. To create your own CA, find the CA shellscript or perlscript that should be part of the OpenSSL package. On Red Hat based systems, this script is located in the /etc/pki/tls/misc directory. Depending on your distribution, the script might not interpret filenames for arguments. The script then instead looks for predifined values for the key file and csr file. Page the script source using a command like less or more and look for clues. The STDERR output might also show some valueable pointers. In the following example, newkey.pem and newreq.pem are used as file names by the script:

    # /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -newca
    CA certificate filename (or enter to create)

    Making CA certificate ...
    Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
    writing new private key to './demoCA/private/cakey.pem'
    Enter PEM pass phrase: ********
    Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase: ********
    You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
    into your certificate request.
    What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
    There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
    For some fields there will be a default value,
    If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
    Country Name (2 letter code) [NL]:
    State or Province Name (full name) [None]:
    Locality Name (eg, city) []:
    Organization Name (eg, company) [Sue B.V.]:
    Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
    Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []
    Email Address []:

    Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
    to be sent with your certificate request
    A challenge password []:
    An optional company name []:
    Using configuration from /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf
    Enter pass phrase for ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem:
    Check that the request matches the signature
    Signature ok
    Certificate Details:
    Serial Number:
    Not Before: Jul  9 13:49:38 2019 GMT
    Not After : Jul  8 13:49:38 2020  GMT
    countryName               = NL
    stateOrProvinceName       = None
    organizationName          = Sue B.V.
    commonName                =
    X509v3 extensions:
    X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
    X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 

    X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
    Certificate is to be certified until Jul  8 13:49:38 2016 GMT (1095 days)

    Write out database with 1 new entries
    Data Base Updated

Next create a signing request:

    # /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -newreq
    Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'newkey.pem'
    Enter PEM pass phrase:
    Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:
    You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
    into your certificate request.
    What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
    There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
    For some fields there will be a default value,
    If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
    Country Name (2 letter code) [NL]:
    State or Province Name (full name) []:None
    Locality Name (eg, city) []:
    Organization Name (eg, company) []:Sue B.V.
    Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
    Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []
    Email Address []:

    Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
    to be sent with your certificate request
    A challenge password []:
    An optional company name []:
    Request is in newreq.pem, private key is in newkey.pem

Then, we sign the request:

    # /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -signreq
    Using configuration from /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf
    Enter pass phrase for ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem:
    Check that the request matches the signature
    Signature ok
    Certificate Details:
    Serial Number:
    Not Before: Jul  9 13:53:53 2013 GMT
    Not After : Jul  9 13:53:53 2014 GMT
    countryName               = NL
    stateOrProvinceName       = None
    organizationName          = Sue B.V.
    commonName                =
    X509v3 extensions:
    X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
    Netscape Comment: 
    OpenSSL Generated Certificate
    X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
    X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 

    Certificate is to be certified until Jul  9 13:53:53 2014 GMT (365 days)
    Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y

    1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y
    Write out database with 1 new entries
    Data Base Updated
    Signed certificate is in newcert.pem

You now created a certificate signed by your own CA (newcert.pem). You might want to rename the file to something more distinguishable, e.g While at it, rename the server key file too, for example Especially if you maintain a lot of keys and certificates on a lot of servers, it really helps to be able to learn from the name of a file what is in it.

The Certificate Signing Request (CSR) could have been sent to an external Certificate Authority (CA) instead. You usually have to post the CSR into a web form, pay for the signing and await a signed Certificate. There are non-profit CA's that will perform similar tasks free of charge, for example CAcert. However, their root certificate is not yet included into most browsers so you will need to do that yourself if you are going to use their services.

The server.csr file is no longer needed. Now you have two files: ApacheSSLCertificateFile ApacheSSLCertificateKeyFile server.key and newcert.pem. In your Apache's httpd.conf file you should refer to them using lines like these:

    SSLCertificateFile    /path/to/
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/

It is considered a best practice to follow the 'least privilege' principle when managing key and certificate files. These files should preferebly be stored in a way that only the user account that runs the web server can access them.

Apache SSL Directives {#ssldir}

The following Apache SSL configuration directives should be familiar to you:


  • This directive toggles the usage of the SSL/TLS Protocol Engine. This should be used inside a \<VirtualHost> section to enable SSL/TLS for a that virtual host. By default the SSL/TLS Protocol Engine is disabled for both the main server and all configured virtual hosts.


  • This directive points to the PEM-encoded private key file for the server. If the contained private key is encrypted, the pass phrase dialog is forced at startup time. This directive can be used up to three times (referencing different filenames) when an RSA, a DSA, and an ECC based private key is used in parallel. For each SSLCertificateKeyFile directive, there must be a matching SSLCertificateFile directive.


  • This directive points to a file with certificate data in PEM format. At a minimum, the file must include an end-entity (leaf) certificate. This directive can be used up to three times (referencing different filenames) when an RSA, a DSA, and an ECC based server certificate is used in parallel.

Creating and installing a self-signed certificate for Apache {#ssssl}

Sometimes, it might be acceptable to use a self-signed SSL certificate with Apache. The following steps explain how to accomplish this on a Debian based system. First, create a directory to hold the SSL keys. On the system we use as an example, all system-wide SSL certificates are stored in the directory /etc/ssl/certs. For our purpose, we create a new directory called /etc/ssl/webserver and use it to store our new keypair:

    # mkdir /etc/ssl/webserver
    # openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes \
    > -out /etc/ssl/webserver/apache.pem -keyout /etc/ssl/webserver/apache.key
    Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
    writing new private key to '/etc/ssl/webserver/apache.key'
    # ls /etc/ssl/webserver/
    apache.key  apache.pem

Note During creation, openssl wil use the contents of /etc/ssl/openssl/cnf to fill in some variables. Other values will be asked by an interactive script. Be sure to use the proper FQDN here to distinguish this certificate from certificates with another purpose later on.

In order to be able to use SSL with Apache, a module called mod_ssl has to be loaded. On this system, we can check the enabled modules by listing the contents of the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled directory. All currently available modules can be checked by listing the contents of the /etc/apache2/mods-available directory:

    # ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
    alias.conf            autoindex.conf  mime.conf         reqtimeout.load
    alias.load            autoindex.load  mime.load         setenvif.conf
    auth_basic.load       cgi.load        negotiation.conf  setenvif.load
    authn_file.load       deflate.conf    negotiation.load  status.conf
    authz_default.load    deflate.load    perl.load         status.load
    authz_groupfile.load  dir.conf        php5.conf
    authz_host.load       dir.load        php5.load
    authz_user.load       env.load        reqtimeout.conf

    # ls /etc/apache2/mods-available/
    actions.conf          cgid.conf          include.load         proxy_ftp.conf
    actions.load          cgid.load          info.conf            proxy_ftp.load
    alias.conf            cgi.load           info.load            proxy_http.load
    alias.load            charset_lite.load  ldap.conf            proxy.load
    asis.load             dav_fs.conf        ldap.load            proxy_scgi.load
    auth_basic.load       dav_fs.load        log_forensic.load    reqtimeout.conf
    auth_digest.load      dav.load           mem_cache.conf       reqtimeout.load
    authn_alias.load      dav_lock.load      mem_cache.load       rewrite.load
    authn_anon.load       dbd.load           mime.conf            setenvif.conf
    authn_dbd.load        deflate.conf       mime.load            setenvif.load
    authn_dbm.load        deflate.load       mime_magic.conf      speling.load
    authn_default.load    dir.conf           mime_magic.load      ssl.conf
    authn_file.load       dir.load           mod-dnssd.conf       ssl.load
    authnz_ldap.load      disk_cache.conf    mod-dnssd.load       status.conf
    authz_dbm.load        disk_cache.load    negotiation.conf     status.load
    authz_default.load    dump_io.load       negotiation.load     substitute.load
    authz_groupfile.load  env.load           perl.load            suexec.load
    authz_host.load       expires.load       php5.conf            unique_id.load
    authz_owner.load      ext_filter.load    php5.load            userdir.conf
    authz_user.load       file_cache.load    proxy_ajp.load       userdir.load
    autoindex.conf        filter.load        proxy_balancer.conf  usertrack.load
    autoindex.load        headers.load       proxy_balancer.load  vhost_alias.load
    cache.load            ident.load         proxy.conf
    cern_meta.load        imagemap.load      proxy_connect.load

ssl appears to be available but has not been enabled yet because both ssl files, ssl.load and ssl.conf, are still present in the /etc/apache2/mods-available/ directory and not in the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ directory. We could create a symlink to activate support for ssl ourselves, but Debian provides a utility written in perl called a2enmod that takes care of this. Consult the A2ENMOD(8) manpage for more information. It's counterpart, conveniently called a2dismod, does the opposite and disables Apache modules by removing the symlinks from /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/.

Let's enable SSL:

    # a2enmod ssl
    Enabling module ssl.
    See /usr/share/doc/apache2.2-common/README.Debian.gz on how to configure SSL \
        and create self-signed certificates.
    To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
    service apache2 restart
    # service apache2 restart
    [ ok ] Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting .
    # apachectl status |grep -i ssl
    Server Version: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) PHP/5.4.4-15.1 mod_ssl/2.2.22 OpenSSL/

SSL has now been enabled on the Apache HTTP server. In order for a site to actually use SSL, it's configuration has to be properly configured. HTTPS uses tcp port 443 by default, so we want to specify this in the apache config of Debian. Add the following line to your /etc/apache2/ports.conf file:

    Listen 443

Now, all sites that want to make use of SSL need to have their configuration files reconfigured. The following lines need to be added to each "enabled" site that should serve it's content by HTTPS:

    SSLEngine On
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/webserver/apache.pem
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/webserver/apache.key

An example site configuration file for both a HTTP and HTTPS enabled site could be like the following:

    NameVirtualHost *:80
    NameVirtualHost *:443

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    Servername  webserver.intranet
    DocumentRoot    /srv/http
    ErrorLog    /var/log/apache2/error.log

    <VirtualHost *:443>
    SSLEngine   On
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/webserver/apache.pem
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/webserver/apache.key
    Servername  webserver.intranet
    DocumentRoot    /srv/http
    ErrorLog    /var/log/apache2/error.log

Now, use apachectl configtest to test your site configuration and if no errors occur restart the Apache HTTP server. The SSL enabled sites should now be accessible by using the https URL instead of http.

Other Apache Directives

Apart from the directives used above, the following Apache configuration directives should be familiar to you:


  • This directive sets the all-in-one file where you can assemble the certificates of Certification Authorities (CA) whose clients you deal with. These are used for Client Authentication. Such a file is simply the concatenation of the various PEM-encoded certificate files, in order of preference.


  • Sets the directory where you keep the certificates of Certification Authorities (CAs) whose clients you deal with. These are used to verify the client certificate on Client Authentication.


  • This complex directive uses a colon-separated cipher-spec string consisting of OpenSSL cipher specifications to configure the Cipher Suite the client is permitted to negotiate in the SSL handshake phase. Notice that this directive can be used both in per-server and per-directory context. In per-server context it applies to the standard SSL handshake when a connection is established. In per-directory context it forces a SSL renegotiation with the reconfigured Cipher Suite after the HTTP request was read but before the HTTP response is sent.


  • This directive can be used to control the SSL protocol flavors mod_ssl should use when establishing its server environment. Clients then can only connect with one of the provided protocols.


  • The ServerSignature directive allows the configuration of a trailing footer line under server-generated documents (error messages, mod_proxy ftp directory listings, mod_info output, ...). The reason why you would want to enable such a footer line is that in a chain of proxies, the user often has no possibility to tell which of the chained servers actually produced a returned error message.


  • This directive controls whether the Server response header field which is sent back to clients includes minimal information, everything worth mentioning or somewhere in between. By default, the ServerTokens directive is set to Full. By declaring this (global) directive and setting it to Prod, the supplied information will be reduced to the bare minimum. During the first chapter of this subject the necessity for compiling Apache from source is mentioned. Modifying the Apache Server response header field values could be a scenario that requires modification of source code. This could very well be part of a server hardening process. As a result, the Apache server could provide different values as response header fields.


  • This directive overrides the behavior of TRACE for both the core server and mod_proxy. The default TraceEnable on permits TRACE requests per RFC 2616, which disallows any request body to accompany the request. TraceEnable off causes the core server and mod_proxy to return a 405 (method not allowed) error to the client. There is also the non-compliant setting extended which will allow message bodies to accompany the trace requests. This setting should only be used for debugging purposes. Despite what a security scan may say, the TRACE method is part of the HTTP/1.1 RFC 2616 specification and should therefore not be disabled without a specific reason.

SSL with Apache Virtual Hosts

As we saw before, the FQDN plays an important part in SSL. It has to match the CN value of the certificate. This certificate is presented to the browser when initiating the connection to the HTTPS server. Only when the certificate is valid, issued by a known, trusted and registered party, and matches the hostname will the browser iniate the connection without warnings. Otherwise, the browser should present a warning about an invalid or expired certificate, an unknown issuer, or an invalid hostname. With IP-based virtual hosts we have a different IP/port combination for every virtual host, which means we can configure an SSL certificate for every virtual host. The HTTPS connection will be initiated on a dedicated IP address after all.

When working with name based virtual hosts however, we have no unique identifier for the resource being requested except for the hostname. So the Apache HTTP server receives all requests for the virtual hosts it serves on the same IP/port combination. It isn't until after the SSL connection has been established that the HTTP server knows which virtual host is actually being requested based on the URL. The URL discloses the hostname for the virtual host. But, by then it might be too late; the client could have been offered a certificate with a different CN value due to the nature of the HTTP within SSL/TLS transaction.

Currently, an extension called SNI (Server Name Indication) can be used to circumvent this name based issue. Using this extension, the browser includes the requested hostname in the first message of its SSL handshake as an UTF-8 encoded byte-string value representing the server_name attribute of the client hello message. This value should only consist of host and/or domain names. No IPv4 or IPv6 IP addresses should be used. Both the browser and Apache need to support SNI in order for the SNI mechanism to work. If SNI is used on the server and the browser doesn't support SNI the browser could show a "untrusted certificate" warning. This depends on the certificate that is presented for the "default" website of the HTTP server. As of this writing, most browsers do support SNI. Exceptions are the Android 2.x default browser, MS Internet Explorer on MS Windows XP before SP3 and versions of Oracle Java before 1.7 on any operating system.

To use SNI on the Apache server and prevent "untrusted certificate" warnings due to non-SNI capable browsers, it is possible to use a multidomain certificate. This certificate should contain all the necessary domain names and should be used in the Apache configuration in a separate virtual host. In this virtual host no servername should be configured and because of this it will match all requests without a hostname and therefore serving all browsers without SNI support. Apache will show the content of the right requested (SNI) site due to the requested website being extracted from the URL. This extraction takes place after the encrypted session has been created, using the multidomain certificate. This solution will probably never receive an award for it's looks, but the science behind it at least works.

Without SNI, a web server can serve multiple name based virtual hosts over HTTPS without browser warnings. With the requirement (or restriction) that the SSL certificate being used will be the same for all virtual hosts. The virtual hosts also have to be part of the same domain, e.g.: and The SSL certificate has to be configured in such a way that the CN (Common Name) points to a wildcard for the domain being used, e.g.: *

SSL Security Issues

The cryptographic security aspect of SSL is entirely based on trust. Mid-2013, there were about 650 Certificate Authorities. Every one of these authorities may pose as the "weakest link", and therefore the security of your SSL certificate only goes as far as your trust in it's CA.

The SSLCertificateChainFile directive has been removed from the LPIC-2 objectives. This directive is good to know nevertheless. It is an addition to the SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile directives. The impact of self signed certificates for HTTPS sessions has been pointed out earlier. But even if you send a CSR to a known CA and receive a validated certificate in return, set up your server correctly using this certificate and the correct key file used to generate the CSR, this does not mean every browser will validate a session using this certificate as valid. This is often due to the involved CA having signed the CSR using a certificate that is not known to your browser. This might for instance be the case if the signing certificate is newer than your browser. But also because many CA's offer different types of certificates from their product portfolio. Browsers recognize the validity of HTTPS certificates based on the availability of so called root-certificates. These could be seen as the top level within the certificate chain. The CSR's on the other hand are often signed using a so called intermediate certificate. These intermediate certificates are relatable to the root certificate, but exist on a lower level in the certificate chain. To restrict the amount of certificates being shipped with browser software, not all certificates being used to sign CSR's are included by default . This could result in browser warnings about an incomplete certificate chain. To remedy these warnings (actually errors) , one or more intermediate certificates may be needed to reassemble the certificate chain for completeness. In order to facilitate this, CA's using intermediate certificates usually offer these intermediate certificates for download. The website of the CA and/or the email holding the signed certificate information should point to the appropriate intermediate certificate(s). The different levels are often referred to as G*n*-level certificates, where n represents a certain number. These intermediate certicates fill the gap between your signed certificate, and the root certificates known to all major browsers. By using the SSLCertificateChainFile directive, you may point Apache to a file that holds two or more concatenated certificates. By concatenating the missing certificates in the right order, the certificate chain gap will be closed and the certificate chain will be complete again.

Disabling of insecure protocols and ciphers

When Apache is configured as a Secure Server to serve content via the HTTPS protocol, the client and server negotiate upon encryption initiation which ciphers can be used to secure the connection. Both the Apache server and the browser then offer a list of their available encryption algorithms to each other. Depending on which settings are enforced, the server and browser then initiate a secure channel using an overlapping encryption algorithm from the list of available ciphers. By setting the SSLHonorCipherOrder directive to a value of on, the server will honor the order of ciphers as specified by the SSLCipherSuite directive. Otherwise, the client will have the upper hand when deciding which ciphers will be used. This secure channel then is used to transmit the encryption keys that will be used to secure the communication from here on forward. Those encryption keys must also be in a cipher format that both the server and client can handle. As is often the case, trade-offs have to be made between compatibility and security. Maximizing the amount of ciphers offered (and therefore browser compatibility) also increases the possibility that one or more of the ciphers in use may be susceptible to attack vectors. The term 'weak ciphers' is often used to refer to these vulnerable encryption algorithms. The list of (de)recommended ciphers, is heavily dependant on the publication of known vulnerabilities to abuse these ciphers. This leads to opinions that may change over time. It is therefore recommended to stay up to date about known vulnerabilities. Currently, use of so called Cipher Block Code ciphers is not recommended. These ciphers may be identified by a "CBC" part in their name. Neither is Arcfour (or RC4 in short) a recommended cipher to be used. As far as protocols go, SSL v2 and SSL v3 are known to be vulnerable to a plethora of attack vectors. TLS v1.0 and v1.1 also have their weaknesses. TLS v1.2 is currently the recommended protocol to use if security is a concern. With TLS v1.3 being almost visible on the horizon. Apache allows for configuration of the ciphers being offered to clients. By using the following directives, the list of ciphers that Apache offers to client software can be limited:


The following section shows an example configuration on how these directives may be used. The SSLCipherSuite is configured to use strong ciphersuites only, while explicitly disabling RC4. The SSLProtocol directive disables support for All protocols, while explicitly enabling TLSv1.2 support. The order in which the ciphers should be evaluated for mutual support by both the server and the client is determined by the server through use of the SSLHonorCipherOrder directive. Finally, the SSLCompression directive is configured to disable SSL/TLS compression. Disabling this compression mitigates the known CRIME (Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy) attack vector.

    SSLProtocol -All +TLSv1.2
    SSLHonorCipherOrder On
    SSLCompression Off

From Apache 2.4 on, mod_ssl dropped support for SSLv2. Only SSLv3 and TLS are supported. Be aware that support for recent TLS versions depends on the availability of recent OpenSSL libraries.

A good reference before configuring a secure Apache server, is the Mozilla TLS Server project at Github. This website has example configuration strings for various major HTTP servers, including Apache. The project team members should keep the example configurations up to date according to the latest recommendations. Another good reference is This website also offers example configurations.

Regarding every example configuration is it always important not to copy/paste configurations without validating the content. As explained earlier, a trade-off has to be made in most cases. Configuring Apache to strictly serve a modern cipher like TLS 1.2 will mitigate most known attack vectors in regards to SSL and TLS connections. But not every browser on every operating system will be able to adhere to this requirement. The adoption of TLS v1.2 in client software requires the availability of recent SSL libraries. Not all software vendors keep these libraries on track. The trade-off here is therefore security in favor of compatibility. Using older ciphers like SSL v2 and SSL v3 will probably increase the chances of encrypted connections being vulnerable to known attacks. But at the same time this will maximize the compatibility of clients that will be able to set up these connections. Another trade off.

Apart from explicitly specifying which protocols and ciphers _can_ be used, the preference for using a certain protocol or cipher may vary. The order in which the directives are specified has influence, but gives no guarantees. Servers and clients often use a technique called opportunistic encryption to decide which of the protocols and ciphers will be used. At the same time, it is possible for client software to specify exactly what protocol and ciphers should be used. Depending on the server configuration, the server will respect these demands by the client. It is this very functionality that is the basis for a category of known attacks called downgrade attacks.

After having set up your server, it is regarded as a best practice to periodicly scan the system for known vulnerabilities. This can be done in multiple ways. An easy way is to use a public web service like Qualys SSLabs: The output will show you in detail whether and if so, which weak protocols and/or ciphers were detected.